Further to the latest government rules on gatherings of people, one of the exceptions to the 6 person rule is for work, voluntary and charitable services.   The SPC meeting to be held on 15th September 2020 would appear to fall into this category AND WILL GO AHEAD WITH STRICT COVID19 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS IN PLACE.

As follows:-

1. Chairs in the Ashley Room at the village hall will be set out and spaced at 2mtrs.

2. Attendance at SPC meetings is not usually very high but there will obviously be limits on the number of people who can be safely accommodated in the Ashley Room. Although numbers for the groups mentioned above are not specified, should the parish council, who will be responsible for Covid19 safety, feel that such a number has been reached, then no further members of the public will be admitted.

3.  All members of the public attending the meeting will be required to use the sanitising gel available on both entering and leaving the hall and follow all the  other safety measures signposted.

4. All member of the public are required to wear facemasks.

5. All members of the public will be required to give their name and telephone number for track and trace purposes should that be necessary.

6. Social distancing must be observed at all times

7. Any other measures SPC considers essential to the safety of councillors and members of the public.

Stratton Parish Council is aware that Covid19 restrictions can be frustrating to people, as they are indeed to the councillors who give their time voluntarily to the work of the parish.  With this in mind, should a parishioner not feel comfortable attending the meeting, but would have done so in normal times to raise a comment/question in the public participation time set aside at the beginning and end of the meeting, then if such comments/questions are sent by email to strattonpc@gmail.com by 6.00pm on Monday14th September, the parish council will consider them in the timeslot allowed, on the understanding that the public participation slot is time limited.  Responses to any comments considered in this way will be included in the minutes of the meeting.

Stratton Parish Council is not able to hold virtual meetings as some councillors do not have the IT equipment to be able do so.  Business that should have taken place at the March and May meetings was conducted and concluded in the meeting held in July, with no detriment effects to the running of the council.

IMPORTANT – Covid19 and the SPC Meeting on 15th September 2020
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