Stratton Parish Council understands that questions have been raised by residents about the budget set by the Parish Council for the year 2023/24 and the rationale for the increase of 10% in the parish portion of the overall Council Tax.

At the SPC Precept Meeting held on 8th November 2022, Councillors went through every line of expenditure and income that the Parish Council expected to face in the forthcoming financial year. The discussion was concentrated on ensuring that budgets were reasonable and kept as low as possible. Members of the public attending the meeting would have seen this process taking place.

The Parish Council is faced with the prospect of national prices rising by 10.1%.

The knowledge that a tree report, commissioned by the Council on the safety and condition of trees on the playing field and the village green was about to be received and was likely to require considerable work on many of the trees that are the responsibility of the Parish Council – including dealing with Ash die-back – was a key concern. This work is necessary to protect the public. The Budget was increased by £1,000. A general increase was made to the Unallocated Budget of £1,050  to cover any costs incurred for new services, or exceptional costs in other areas which had not been foreseen.

As interest rates have risen and to offset rising costs, the Parish Council has planned for higher investment income and parish funds have been invested to take advantage of this. The expectation is that an additional £1,170 will be received as income.

Overall, it was felt that the budget was fairly set, reflecting good and responsible management within the Parish.

The 10% increase works out at about 40p per month, per household, and most people would agree that this is not an exceptional figure in the present circumstances.

To find out more about the work the Parish Council does then why not come along to parish council meetings.  All are welcome to attend, make comment or ask questions if they so wish.  The meetings are usually held bi-monthly in the village hall on the second Tuesday of the month.

Next year’s precept meeting is scheduled (at the moment) for Tuesday 14th November 2023 at 07:00pm in the Village Hall so why not come along and see the process yourself.

A copy of the budget set last November is available on the Finance page for 2023-2024 on the SPC website at so everyone can see what the Parish Council funds are spent on.

Andy Aylott


30 March 2023


2nd April 2023 -Stratton Parish Council Precept (Council Tax) for 2023/2024
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