It has been brought to the Council’s notice that the waste bin by the bus shelter at the top of Manor Close is being used to deposit dog poo bags. There are specific bins for doggy waste around the village and these should be used.  The notices placed on the bin to say it is not for dog waste keep disappearing.

As well as being a health hazard, the smell is obnoxious, especially in hot weather.  The sign will be replaced but if the problem continues, the Council will need to consider further more drastic measures.  It would be pity if  the bin has to be removed with the possible result of an increase in litter in the village. Hopefully dog owners will be more considerate in  future and use the bins especially provided by the Council for dog waste.  The above not only relates to the bin at Manor Close but to all waste bins in the parish.

Thank You

27th April 2023 – Waste Bin by the Bus Shelter at the top of Manor Road
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