The next ‘ordinary’ general meeting of the Parish Council will be held at 19:00 on 24 September in the Village Hall. Agenda will be published shortly. All welcome!
Welcome new Councillors
So, a very positive meeting last evening. We welcomed not just one but two new Councillors – thank you Ali Tong and Gill Slade for stepping forward to help us help our community. That leaves us with just one Councillor
Next Parish Council Meeting – 19:00 9 July in the Hall (Committee Room)
The agenda for the next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council is now published. All are welcome to attend. SPC Agenda 9.7.24
Notification of Public Rights
Parish Clerk Vacany
Applications are invited for the post of Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer. This is a paid, part-time role working 17.5 hours per month attracting a salary equivalent to SCP 9-11 (£13.06-£13.50 per hour). The role is home based, with
Notice of Councillor Vacancies
Following the recent elections and the appointment of four Councillors, there remain vacancies for a further three Councillors. Please see the notice below. PARISH OF STRATTON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to Section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972,
Extraordinary General Meeting – 7pm 14th June 2024
There will be a brief EGM of the Council in the Village Hall on 14 June. The primary purpose of the meeting is to agree the Council’s Annual Governance & Accountability Return.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
The draft minutes are now published. They detail the responsibilities (lead areas) of your councillors.
Parish Council 2024/25
Last night the Parish Council met for the first time since the elections and appointed the Chair & Vice-Chair. Your four councillors are; Beth Cooke Bradley Pimm Simon Joslin (Vice-Chair) Matt Garner (Chair) Minutes of the meeting will be published
Phone Box
At the request of a number of residents to save our iconic red telephone box from removal, the Parish Council has recently purchased it from BT. So, now we have a couple of requests. What would you like to see
Annual Parish Meeting & Annual Meeting of the Parish Council – 13 May
Yes, two meetings for the price of one on 13 May. Confusing isn’t it? 7pm – Annual Parish Meeting. Our ‘review of the year’ and an opportunity for the Public to ask questions. No decisions get made at this meeting.
Notice of Uncontested Election
Details of Councillors duly Elected as the Election is deemed uncontested.