The un-adopted minutes of the Stratton Parish Council Meeting held on 20th March 2018 will shortly be available on this website and on the notice boards throughout the parish.

Some items of particular interest from the meeting are outlined below:-

  1. New Data Protection Regulations came into force on 25th May 2018 and will affect any person or organisation that keeps personal data electronically. It is not known exactly how much this will impact on the Parish Council and the parish clerk will be attending a seminar where it is hoped that any requirements to be placed on the council will become clear. The parish clerk has been designated by the council as its Data Protection Officer (a requirement).
  2. Stratton Parish Council has received planning windfall monies of £6771 from the housing development at the end of Dorchester Road. This money has to be used for the benefit of the entire parish, which, of course includes not only the village itself but also Grimstone, Ash Hill and Wrackleford.

The following is a list of items that the Council has compiled so far:-

  1. New tennis court lines –  Approx £300  – Agreed to do.
  2. New wooden posts and installation around Village Green  – Approx £300 – Agreed to do.
  3. Roundels/Please Drive Carefully signs – Approx £160.00 – Agreed to do, subject to clearance from Highways, the Police and DWP for putting stickers on Waste Bins.
  4. Pay-off balance of monies owed on Play Equipment – Approx £1,300 – Agreed to do.
  5. Renew Notice Boards in Manor Close Bus Shelter & transfer one Notice Board to Almshouses Bus Shelter – Approx £300 – Provisional – to report back on costings and practicability to next Meeting.
  6. Support for Children’s Christmas Party – Approx £300 – Provisional – to confirm whether Christmas party will be organised in December 2018 and if other finances are available, to report back to next Meeting.
  7. Defibrillator – Approx £500 – Provisional – subject to a Voluntary Group undertaking investigation into fund raising, management and organisational issues.
  8. To renew Parish Map on Village Green – Approx £3,000 – Provisional – to confirm practicability and true cost of replacement, to report back to next Meeting.
  9. Traffic Calming Gates – Provisional – to be costed

This list is not definite, mutually exclusive or complete and further items can be considered if identified. The Council is mindful of changes that might happen as a result of the re-organisation of local government in Dorset and the possibility that this might incur further and extra costs for the Parish.

3. It was agreed that the Parish Council’s Christmas Carol event in the village would take place this year and the Durnovaria Silver Band is to be booked. However, it was agreed that the organisation and format of the event will be reviewed.

4. There are no volunteers, so far, for a working party to look at activities to commemorate the end of WW1. So, it is only the lighting of a beacon that will go ahead at this time.

The next meetings of Stratton Parish Council will be on Tuesday 15th May in the Village Hall at 7.00pm and will be for both The Annual Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting.


24th March 2018 – Items from the Stratton Parish Council Meeting of 20th March, including information on New Data Protection Regulations, Planning Windfall Monies, Christmas Carols 2018 and 1918 Centenary Events
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