Stratton Parish Council has been advised by County Councillor Jill Haynes of the following temporary arrangements as a replacement for the 212 bus service:-

Maiden Newton Ring & Ride: Tel: 01305 228965

Good News!

Working with local parishes, we have managed to arrange for a local replacement service for the 212, until we know what Damory will do in September!!

The new route will run at the following times – Monday to Friday:

Route                                       Leaving                 Arriving

Maiden Newton – Dorchester   07.45am                08.30am



Stopping at Frampton, Grimstone, Stratton and Bradford Peverill

Dorchester (Trinity Street)           1.00pm               1.45pm

Maiden Newton                             5.45pm                6.30pm

If required from usual bus stops.

You MUST book your seat on this bus by 3.00pm THE DAY BEFORE or 3pm FRIDAY for the Monday Bus.

Please ring 01305 228965, if an answer phone, please say you need ‘Maiden Newton Ring and Ride’ and:

(i) Leave your name

(ii) From where and which run you need to travel

(iii) Your contact telephone number

This bus will cost £2.50 each way and half price for under 16’s. The bus will NOT take bus passes or concessionary fares. You cannot get on the bus if you have NOT booked a seat (Max 16 people per trip). Hope this works well for you all.

Jill Haynes

County Councillor for Three Valleys


22nd July 2017 – Temporary Replacement Arrangements for 212 Bus Service
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